Animation + Update
Dear family and friends,
With great joy and deepest admiration, I am sharing with you a few slides of an animation story created by my 13-years old son, Thomas-Dhel, as part of his tech class. It’s a basic animation but captured Thomas’ four years of personal experience in Africa. Thomas’ story includes crowded classrooms with over 90 students, extreme poverty, health condition, a need for quality education and clean water, as well as walking him to school more than 35 minutes every day – and a few more.
Thomas also asked our family and friends to support his fellow South Sudan kids through the Undying Hope mission and Seeds of Hope initiative.
I hope you will find my son’s story encouraging and promising.
To access the animation story, click here.

My son’s Report Card from one of the schools that he attended in South Sudan. He was top of his class of 130 students. This school was relatively better than many others.
How to Hope:
Several ways to help Undying Hope’s vision and Seeds of Hope campaign.
- Share Undying Hope’s vision and website link with your circles of influence.
- Invite family and friends over to your house for a dessert and Undying Hope vision sharing. I will come to share my story and Undying Hope’s vision.
- Invite me to a group you are part of to share my story and Undying Hope vision
- I am available to speak at churches, schools, organizations, etc. Arrange a public speaking, and I will come.
- It is also my desire to share through radio stations, podcasts, and other media outlets. Just hit me up!
- Please share widely
Feel free to call, text, or e-mail me
- Cell: 443-371-1635
- E-mail: theil@undyinghope.org
- Website: https://undyinghope.org
Update on the Seeds of Hope:
As a direct result of your prayers and generosity, we are making progress one step at a time. Since my last week’s update, the finance team received a few more checks along with online donations. Thank you!
One more borehole still needed as a pressing need. The plan is to dig two water wells. Thus far, the cost for one water well (borehole) and trees have been reached. We may get a discounted borehole for $8,000 from a water drilling company based in the U.S. but operates in South Sudan, of course, depending on the season and underground formation.
For information about the Seeds of Hope Fundraising campaign and Giving Levels, click here.
To mail a donation, send to:
Undying Hope International
P.O. Box 1831
Millersville, MD 21108
- Make it payable to Undying Hope International
- In the memo line, write Seeds of Hope
With love and gratitude,
Theil Theil