Sponsorship Opportunity:
With the growth of Undying Hope in East Africa comes a need for student sponsorship. As mentioned above, our students range from elementary school to university level. If your heart is nudging you to give hope to students in East Africa, then act by sponsoring a student’s education. Undying Hope now has student sponsorship opportunities. For more information, I am reachable at theil@undyinghope.org or on cell phone at 443-371-1635
We can not do everything, but we can give some students quality education and hope for a better tomorrow. Girls’ education, for example, is a huge need in East Africa. You can contribute to nation-building by sponsoring girl(s). Africa proverb suggests, “If you educate a man, you educate an individual. But if you educate a woman, you educate a nation.”
Sponsors will receive quarterly success updates from the students!
Thank you in advance for considering giving hope to the underserved and unreached students through Undying Hope Scholarship Program.

Rotary Leadership Training (Lone Star RLI):
I am immeasurably humbled and deeply grateful for the leadership training opportunity offered by the Lone Star RLI. I have completed P1 and am halfway through PII. It has been an exciting journey of learning about Rotary more deeply, connecting with like-minded individuals, and Imagining the world through Rotary.
This journey has been filled with the Rotary’s rich history, practical examples of the Rotary impact on the world, and the possibilities that lie ahead. I desire and hope to use the knowledge and skills gained through this training to contribute to the growth of Rotary here and overseas.

Monthly Story of Hope
It is the break of dawn in sun-city Juba, and many children can be seen around the streets and shopping places aimless and without hope. Bright leaders of tomorrow are among these children on the streets. One can’t help but wonder why these children are not in school.
Some of them first came to the streets because of financial difficulty, which deprived their parents and guardians of affording their school fees. So, they thought that doing this for a few months would make some money to return to school. Sadly, some have opted to stay and make meager money instead of returning to school, increasing the illiteracy rate in South Sudan.
The high illiteracy rate will hinder these soon-to-be energetic youths from getting better-paying jobs because of a lack of skills and knowledge. If nothing is done, we risk increasing the crime rate in our communities as some of these turns into thugs. As a result, we will lose a future generation of leaders, skilled personnel, and civic citizens. Such a generation of potentially great leaders is seemingly confined in limbo.
As a young nation full of potential, quality education will propagate South Sudan to the state of a first-class economy. We need to do more to ensure the next generation of leaders receive the best education possible, and this will be possible through a collective effort of us all.
The government has this financial year 2022/2023 allocated more budget resources to the education sector. That said, there is still a significant gap to fill.
Partner today with Undying Hope International, an NGO whose mission is education in four spheres of activity: basic education; public health and health care services; leadership development; and spiritual formation.
Your donation towards the future generation’s education will give hope to children in South Sudan and beyond. You can donate online by visiting our website at www.undyhope.org
Or by sending your check to Undying Hope’s physical address below:
Undying Hope International
17119 Red Oak Drie
Houston, TV 77090
P.O. Box 90120
Thank you so much for your generosity!!
Together we can GIVE HOPE!!