Dear family and friends,
Before typing this update, I took the time to reflect on many of God’s blessings in my life. I am thankful for my beautiful and most amazing wife and our precious two children. Grateful for family, friends, and communities with whom my family is surrounded. Hopeful for many lives that will be touched and transformed through Undying Hope’s vision for South Sudan & beyond. Joyful for being healthy and able to get up every morning ready to serve others above self.
If I’m to describe my entire reflection time in two words, it would be Content and Joy-filled. I am content through thick and thin. Whether in the valley or at the mountain top. I am also filled with joy because of each one of you being in my life. You fuel me to keep on going. Thank you!
My family:
First off, Happy Father’s Day from ours to yours! Such recognition and appreciation for fathers come with the responsibility to love our families unconditionally, protect them from harm’s way, and take part in making the world a better place for our children and future generations.
Second, my family is doing great! My wife Aluel (Rose) loves her job in the food industry and planning on going back to school to complete her Culinary Arts degree now that our baby girl (Nina) is here. Chef Aluel in the making!
Nina turned one year old on April 15th, 2021. She fills our home with joy and lots of laughs. Our son, Thomas, is doing great in school and growing in Character. In 4th marking period, he has maintained straight “As” in all his classes. This is Thomas’s last year in Middle school. He is excited about going to High School this fall.

Undying Hope:
Undying Hope is making progress despite some financial challenges along the way. With the Seeds of Hope fundraising campaign, we have thankfully reached our first milestone. Donations received thus far will dig one borehole and plant 100 trees in our property in South Sudan. Yay! The seeds of Hope fundraising campaign will continue through Summer.
That said, I need more monthly recurring donors to join our support team, grants opportunities, and other revenue sources. All of which will enable the leadership team to continue developing Undying Hope and spreading messages of hope, courage, and resilience widely.
To join our monthly support team with any amount, click here and select Monthly. There also, you will see a button for One-Time and Quarterly donations. Every penny counts and makes a difference.
The leadership team is working on a timeline for the South Sudan mission trip. The primary purpose of this trip is to witness borehole installation, plant trees, and build relations. It would probably take place towards the end of the year or in Spring 2022.

Public Speaking Engagements:
Besides meetings and talks within Maryland, I am also sharing about Undying Hope in other states. A few weeks ago, I visited Mountain Mission school in VA with my family. A connection made by Undying Hope’s family member. It was a life-transforming trip, to say the least. We also drove to Iowa and Kansas for community events.
Moreover, I’m excited to be invited as a keynote speaker at the World Refugee Day event (see above). My presentation will revolve around message of hope, courage, and resilience. If your time permits, join us this Sunday, June 20, 2021, via zoom from 12 – 1 pm.
Meeting ID: 897 7605 3328
Passcode: 901655
In addition, next month, I will be speaking in South Carolina and possibly New Jersey and Virginia. Undying Hope is also gaining traction through social media posts and talks.
If possible, please help spread Undying Hope’s vision broadly as well. Don’t hesitate to reach out if you have or heard about a speaking engagement opportunity. I am available to share my story of undying hope with churches, schools, groups, individuals, and families. I desire to share my story of undying hope widely.
“Killarney House” Fundraiser Dinner
One of the ways to support Undying Hope is through Fundraiser restaurants. If you live in Maryland or know anyone who lives in Maryland, please share this fundraising opportunity with them. $10 from each menu chosen will be donated to Undying Hope.
When: Tuesday July 13
Where: Killarney House, Davidsonville, MD
Contact Info: Make your reservations by calling 410-798-8700
Feel free to let me know when you place your order
Once again, thank you for your continued support and prayers. Thank you for being a part of Undying Hope’s vision. Together, we will transform lives and make a difference.
Until next update, take care of yourselves and each other